In-Home Financial Management
Trained volunteers provide monthly assistance with bill paying, budgeting, checkbook balancing and benefits. Contact us when physical or cognitive impairments limit an older adult's ability to handle finances or when the death of a spouse leaves the survivor unprepared to handle finances.
Volunteer financial managers are always needed. Set your own schedule. We provide training and support.
Call us at 585-244-8400 to learn more.
“The staff is comprised of compassionate individuals who build rapport and trust. In short, they are skilled, responsive, diligent and competent.”
Financial Care Management
Financial Care Management is a service of choice for older adults and/or caregivers who would like trustworthy assistance overseeing finances.
Clients who choose Financial Care Management give Lifespan a specific role; to handle financial matters via power of attorney.
Our service on your behalf includes:
A review of the financial situation.
Notifying accounts of our role.
Help obtaining government or other benefits.
Paying bills and reconciling accounts.
Compiling tax information and arranging for tax preparation and filing.
You will always know your financial picture.
The monthly fee is based on assets and includes full money management. Lifespan is bonded and insured.
Call us at 585-244-8400 for more information.
HEAP – Home Energy Assistance Program
HEAP for persons age 60 and older is located at Lifespan. HEAP grants provide assistance with energy bills. Call us at 585-244-8400, ext. 102.
Food Pantry
We provide a food pantry in downtown Rochester at our Wolk Older Adult Cafe.
The pantry is available for any Lifespan client or any person 60 or older who is working with a case manager. Requests for food assistance are made through care managers. The pantry is not open to the public. We provide a three-day supply of food which must be accessed by a care manager. Call Lifespan at 585-244-8400 to inquire.
Donations of food are gratefully accepted. This is our “wish list.”
Lifespan may be appointed by a court as a guardian for an older adult who is deemed incapacitated. In our role, we may make legal, medical, housing and financial decisions on behalf of a ward. When appropriate, the court reimburses our services using the ward’s assets.
Please call Jennifer Helmbold at 585-287-6403 for more information about guardianship.
"Lifespan is guardian for one of my clients, Anna. Anna has always been strong-willed. She chose to stay in her apartment even as her physical disability continued to grow worse. Lifespan is her guardian and that care was the only reason she was able to continue to live in her apartment. When that was no longer feasible, Lifespan again came to her rescue and made arrangements for her care."
A client's attorney