Hover on the event to see more. Click on the event to register.
For the Workshops & Events Catalog and full listing of events, please CLICK HERE.
Monthly schedule of Lifespan’s workshops and events. Click on event to register.
For the Workshops & Events Catalog and full listing of events, please CLICK HERE.
Main Office
(585) 244-8400
Toll-Free Number
We welcome everyone.
Main Office
1900 S. Clinton Avenue,
Rochester, New York 14618
Many of the photographs on this site were taken by Gelfand Piper Photography.
Lifespan is funded, in part, by Monroe County Office for the Aging, New York State Office for the Aging, New York State Department of Health, US Administration on Aging, United Way of Greater Rochester and donations. No person shall be denied benefits or subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal Assistance on grounds of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, disability, or marital status.