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The Benefits of a Geriatrician Online

What is the difference between seeing a general practitioner and a geriatrician? Similar to seeing a pediatrician, a general medicine doctor who specializes in the earliest years of life, a geriatrician provides healthcare adapted to best fit the needs and opportunities of the later years of life. Join Dr. Yarze, a geriatrician from The GAMA (Geriatrics and Medicine Associates) Practices at Highland Hospital to learn more about what a geriatrician does and the benefits of working with one.

Please CLICK HERE to register.

This workshop is a part of our Information & Inspiration series.

  • Interpreting services, translation services, and additional accommodations are available upon request (with advanced notice).

  • Servicios de interpretación disponibles con solicitud previa. Por favor, dejenos saber con anticipación. Favor de llamar (585) 244-8400 y marque 9.