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Medicare 101 at Lifespan, 8/25/25

  • Main Office 1900 S. Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14618 United States of America (map)

High-level Medicare overview of:

Parts A, B, C, D, Medigap plans, and the benefits covered.
Do I need Medicare at 65 if I continue to work?
Deductible, premium, co-pay and coinsurance costs.
How to pick the lowest cost prescription plan.
The 4 Medicare enrollment periods.
Changing health and drug plans outside of open enrollment.
Extra Help - Learn if you qualify for a reduction in premiums and prescription drug costs.
Medicare Savings Program - Learn if you qualify to have Medicare Part B premium eliminated.

Contact Sharon Quill, HIICAP program assistant, at 585-244-8400, ext 283 with questions or to schedule an interpreter or translator

Earlier Event: July 23
Medicare 101 at Lifespan, 7/23/25
Later Event: September 29
Medicare 101 at Lifespan, 9/29/25