This session is offered both in-person at Lifespan and virtually through GoToWebinar.
A nothing-to-sell overview of Medicare Parts A, B, C & D. Registration is required.
IN-PERSON REGISTRATION: Please CLICK HERE to register. There are limited spots for people to attend in-person. Lifespan COVID-19 Safety protocols for people attending in-person are explained in the registration form.
VIRTUAL REGISTRATION: Please CLICK HERE to register. GoToWebinar can be accessed through your computer. If you are using a tablet or phone, please download the free GoToWebinar app in advance of the session.
Interpreting services, translation services, and additional accommodations are available upon request (with advanced notice).
Servicios de interpretación disponibles con solicitud previa. Por favor, dejenos saber con anticipación. Favor de llamar (585) 244-8400 y marque 9.