Domestic Violence
What Is Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence is a pattern of behaviors that target a specific person or persons by someone who is in a trusting relationship. Domestic violence includes some elder abuse, as well as intimate partner violence.
Domestic violence looks different for every person, but several things remain the same:
Power & control tactics are used against the survivor.
Domestic violence may be occurring in any household; no one is immune.
Survivors often blame themselves for the situation. Often, society blames them too.
The relationship has a mixture of good times and bad times; however, the good times are temporary and trick the survivor into thinking the situation has improved.
Many survivors feel alone and don’t know where to turn for help.
Domestic violence occurs in households where the person causing harm and the survivor are in a current or former romantic relationship, or where they are related through blood or marriage.
These include: emotional abuse, psychological abuse, economic abuse, sexual abuse, technology abuse, isolation, stalking, and physical violence. For a description of each type of abuse, visit the NYS Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NYSCADV).
There are many ways in which someone may be harmed by domestic violence. Key red flags include isolation, a change in behavior of the survivor, statements about how the family member “loses their temper” or “flies off the handle,” control of finances, and many more. Visit NYSCADV for more signs of Domestic Violence.
Lifespan of Greater Rochester is a licensed non-residential provider of domestic violence services in Monroe County through the New York State Office of Children and Family Services.
Residential and non-residential services in Monroe County are provided by Willow Domestic Violence Center or 585-222-SAFE (7233).
What is Elder Abuse?
- Types of Elder Abuse
- Stories of Elder Abuse
What We Do
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- Domestic Violence
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- Elder Abuse Prevention Certificate Program
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