What is Elder Abuse?
Elder Abuse is:
Pushing, hitting, punching.
Shouting at, berating, intimidating, threatening to harm an older adult.
Taking financial advantage of an older adult.
Taking money an older adult needs, “borrowing” money with no intention to pay it back, tricking someone to buy something he/she has no use for.
Threatening to withhold medications.
Neglecting an older adult’s physical, medical, and emotional needs.
Unwanted physical contact of any kind.
Preventing an older adult from accessing services.
What to Look for:
Unusual injuries, bruises, burns.
Increased fear, withdrawal, agitation.
Sudden inability to pay bills, purchase food, personal items, or medication.
Changes in appetite; unusual weight gain or loss.
Poor personal hygiene.
Confusion over finances.
Unexplained changes in health, including mental status.
Caregiver(s) who do not allow the older adult to speak for themself.
Ways You can Help:
Respect and honor older adults.
Report suspected abuse/mistreatment or self-neglect.
Help to find supportive resources.
Visit regularly; monitor the well-being of older adults and neighbors.
Help keep track of medications and doctors’ visits.
Volunteer to help.
Realize abuse can happen in any family or neighborhood.
Speak up when something looks or sounds wrong.
If you are experiencing abuse or mistreatment:
You are not alone.
It is not your fault. No one deserves to be harmed, disrespected, or abused.
Trust your instincts.
Professionals are here to help you explore your options when you’re ready.
Seek out support from someone you trust.
Know that calls to the Upstate Elder Abuse Center at Lifespan are confidential, and consultation and case management are free.
What is Elder Abuse?
- Types of Elder Abuse
- Stories of Elder Abuse
What We Do
- Advocacy
- Domestic Violence
- Education and Training
- Elder Abuse Prevention Certificate Program
• Student Portal
- Elder Abuse Helpline for Concerned Persons
- Enhanced Multidisciplinary Teams
- Intervention Services
- Scams / Consumer Protection
- Shelters
- County by County
- In the News
- Research, Studies and Reportseports